

LocationPro helps users discover affordable, high-quality living in overlooked mid-sized towns across the U.S. by providing a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive, refined database of 20,000 locations.

    • https://github.com/pyslarash/housing-project
    • Full Stack, JavaScript, Python
    • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Material UI, Python, Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Excel
    • 4Geeks Academy
    • October 20, 2023

LocationPro🔗 is a prototype designed to address the growing housing issue in the U.S., offering a unique solution by helping people discover mid-sized towns that are often overlooked in favor of large cities. Built during the COVID-19 pandemic, the project consolidates data from open sources into a refined database of approximately 20,000 locations. The app’s user-friendly front end is powered by React.js and Material UI, while the robust back end is built with Python and Flask, providing efficient API endpoints and filtering mechanisms for fast data retrieval.

Despite being a work in progress, LocationPro showcases the potential of combining technology and real-world experience. With further refinements in UI/UX and ongoing enhancements, this application aims to make it easier for users to find affordable, high-quality living options in hidden gem towns across the country.